Grilled corn on the cob with sriracha aioli
30 minDifficulty

Anytime is good for corn cobs but if we are talking about grilling, things can only get better. This plate, a real nightmare for people with braces, has a different touch thanks to sriracha aioli created by the best brains in our Teka kitchen. Grilled corn cobs is the sweet and salty plate that everybody will love, even the meat-for-every-meal people.
Servings for 4
For the aioli, cook the cashews together with the cloves of garlic on the side burner for 15 minutes.
Drain them, put them in a mortar and mash until you have a paste. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix until well-combined, and set aside.
Cook the corncobs on the barbecue over high heat, brushed with oil to prevent sticking, until golden brown.
Serve with some more olive oil, sprinkled with paprika all over, and garnish with fresh coriander.
Use the vegan sriracha aioli as a side dish,
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