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Songs of spite are trendy, like these recipes

Rosalía brought us the first hit with her “despacha, alocá” and we danced until our chocolate and chill brownie was ready in the oven—that was the first time we saw one of our ex eating this cake, and not because he was sad. Then, Shakira arrived together with Bizarrap with her 53 session making us sing “esta receta despechá sí está pa tipos como túúúúú” (ok, maybe the lyrics were slightly different, but you get our point). And then, like a breeze with the smell of puff pastry, soft and gentle, Miley Circus came to us with “Flowers” a present for her ex in the form of hard feelings with a dose of women’s empowerment. And now, what’s next? Please, let us know so we can begin to prepare the right ingredients.

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