Pork cheeks with red wine (Reserva red wine pairing)
45 minDifficulty

You don’t need to be a wine expert to know that flesh and red wine if the perfect pair on the table. But finding the right balance between weight and flavour to get the most out of both is the real art of wine pairing. And the way you cook your meat is important too. With all these details in mind, we have cooked these pork cheeks over low heat to capture all the aromas and finished them with a good glass of Reserva red wine.
Servings for 1
For the pork cheeks, add salt and pepper, coat with flour, and fry in a pan with olive oil until golden brown. Set aside.
Use the same pan to stir fry chopped garlic, onion, and carrot. Then, add rosemary and pork cheeks, and pour in the red wine. Add water until covered, place a lid on the pan, and cook over low heat for one hour and a half.
Make sure the pork cheeks are tender enough, and set them aside.
Remove the vegetables from the sauce and reduce them by half. Use cornstarch dissolved in water to thicken it, and add butter for a softer sauce. Add salt to taste and put the pork cheeks back into the pan. Cook for two more minutes so the flesh absorbs the flavours.
For the mashed potatoes, cook the potatoes in boiling water for 30 minutes. Then, set it aside to cool for a few minutes, peel, and mash with a potato masher. Add diced butter and the whole milk, and mix until you have a smooth cream.
Serve the mashed potatoes at the bottom of a plate and place a pork cheek on top. Pour some sauce over it and garnish with chopped chives and rosemary.
Serve with a glass of Reserva red wine.
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