Pink lemonade with blueberries
15 minDifficulty

Grab some ice —or a lot—, squeeze lemon, and cut fruit into pieces because you are going to need this pink lemonade right away. We have made a healthy alternative to sodas that you can prepare at home easily, ready in the refrigerator at any time. And all this just thinking twice about another summer classic: this pink lemonade with blueberries and grapefruit.
Servings for 2
Put together the sugar with the 150ml of water and heat until you have a syrup
Add the blueberries, cook for three minutes, remove from heat and mash. Drain and cool.
Put in a big glass jar sliced lemon and half grapefruit, pour the lemon juice, sprinkle water and the rest of the still water.
Place in the refrigerator and serve with crushed ice, blueberries, and grapefruit. Garnish with fresh rosemary.
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