Banana split American retro style
15 minDifficulty

Is there anything more retro than a Banana split? There are some doubts about who was the first to come up with the idea of garnish with infinite topping and syrups a banana, but what we know for sure is that the Banana split was born in America and became one of the most famous desserts, so simple, yet so good. And we can't help to love all that.
Servings for
Whisk the heavy cream with sugar using an electric mixer until stiff peaks. Set aside in the refrigerator and into a piping bag.
In a long, boat plate, place a strawberry ball, one of chocolate and another one of vanilla ice cream.
Cut the banana lengthwise and put each half on both sides of the ice cream balls.
Garnish with the whipped cream, syrup to taste, and the cherries on each whipping cream top, with chopped nuts all over.
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