Roasted chicken with steamed potatoes
4 (20)Preparation
60 minDifficulty

Roasted Chicken with Potatoes is one of the most famous recipes in any home. But one of the most common mistakes that is usually made when cooking this classic recipe is underestimating it. There is a fine line between preparing a juicy and flavorful steamed chicken, and getting a dry shoe sole with potatoes from the oven. But that's what we are here for! We will help you prepare this traditional recipe with a technique that is almost perfect: steamed, thanks to our SteamBox tray. Put to preheat the oven and we can get started.
Servings for 4
In a bowl, mix the spices, salt, oil and lemon juice, and stir until incorporated. Using the hands, massage all the legs of chicken with the mixture so it is distributed evenly.
Place the chicken in the SteamBox tray and sprinkle with the remaining of the mixture. Add a sprig of rosemary to give some aroma.
Wash the potatoes well to remove any dirt.
In a bowl, mix the chopped parsley and finely chopped garlic. Add a pinch of salt and olive oil.
Add this mix to the potatoes and place it in the tray.
Fill the base of the SteamBox tray with water and place both racks with chicken and potatoes. Close the SteamBox with the lid.
Place it in the oven for 40-50 minutes (the oven must be preheated). If we want to give a chrispy and golden touch to our dish, remove the lid and let it grill for a few minutes.
Serve and enjoy a delicious dish. If you like to, by steam cooking you can reduce the amount of oil to make it and keeping the aroma and flavor of food.
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