Creamy vegetables soup
4.1 (20)Preparation
30 minDifficulty

The first weeks of the year are better known as "the detox weeks". These are those days when we see in the scale those extra holiday pounds. So light and healthy recipes are the best option. You'll feel better to meet the long list healthy New Year's resolutions and make amends with your scale .
Servings for 4
In a saucepan add the extra virgin live oil and saute for a few minutes the onions, leek, potatos and kale (save a few leaves for chips) Add the vegetable broth and simmer for about 15 minutes or until vegetables are soft
Meanwhile, in a baking tray with geasepropaper, spread the sheets hand-cut into medium pieces Water leaves with a little bit olive oil and salt Mix with your hands to impregnate the sheets with oil Carry oven 10 minutes at 170C Reserve
Once the vegetables are cooked , gind it all together in a food processor until you reach a smooth and light cream
Serve the vegetable soup with the kale chips, a little cream and toasted pine nuts Enjoy!
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