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How to wash fruits and vegetables

Yes, you must wash fresh fruits and vegetables, but without soap or similar: running water is enough. We are talking about that information we sometimes hear about using sprays and sanitizers that are not made for food. These products can contaminate veggies and be risky for our health.

With the current situation, cleaning and disinfection have become more relevant than ever in our daily life, and when we talk about food, we must be careful. Washing under running water and rub to remove any dirt is enough, experts say.

The best way to wash fruits and vegetables

Tricks to drink water

Wash fruits and vegetables in the right way to reduce poisoning following these easy (and healthy) steps:

Also, wash your hands with warm water and soap before and after washing fruits and vegetables.

Wash fruits and vegetables before peel or cut them, so dirt and bacteria will not transfer to the knife we are using.

Hold fruits and vegetables under running water and rub the surface gently.

You can use a clean brush to scrub the surface and remove any hidden dirt. This works to wash potatoes, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, or melons. 

Dry them with a clean tablecloth or paper towel.

Washing vegetables

What shall we do with packaged salads ready to eat?

Sometimes the package instructions say the salad or other vegetables are already washed and ready to consume, so there is no need to do it again. 


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